Tuesday, August 21, 2007

NC Vacation

We got back from our Rison family vacation Sunday. We had such a great time. It was the kids first time going to the ocean and they loved it. Em had a blast w/ her boggie board (once she got the nerve to go out far enough to work). Gracie loved to go out w/ mommy and daddy to jump the waves. Little E' didn't want anything to do with the water but was in his glory w/ all the sand! We saw some great sights... The wright Brothers Memorial, Queen Elizabeth II ship, visited some sand dunes and several light houses, and stopped at Yorkstown, and Jamestown on our way back. check out our pics (we took tonz)!

NC Vacation


Anonymous said...

It looks like you all had a bunch of fun, but I am still so glad you are back. I will be seeing you tuesday around noonish if that is ok. I really could use a friend to talk to.